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Do you wish to be more involved at a school-wide level? Then the PTA is right for you! The PTA, or Parent Teacher Association, is intended to connect parents and teachers to make the school environment the best it can be. The PTA puts on programs such as Attic Treasures, fun assemblies and parent breakfasts. To learn more about the PTA you can contact Nicole Smith or go to their interest meeting on September 26th. 

Classroom Involvement

Throughout the school year there will be many opportunities to be involved in our class. To be on my email list for volunteers, email me with the subject "Volunteer" At this moment I am looking for a "classroom mom/dad". This parent would help me plan activities such as a halloween party or mother's day breakfast. In addition, they would be ask to volunteer in class a couple times a month during projects or special activities. This position is  half a year long and then a new parent will take over in January. If you are interested or want more information please email me with the subject "Classroom Mom/Dad". 


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